Bhilai Mahila Mahavidyalaya
Hospital Sector, Bhilai Nagar (C.G.) 490009 (Managed by Bhilai Education Trust). (Affiliated to Hemchand Yadav Vishwavidyalaya, Durg). Recognized Under Section 2(f) and 12(B) of the UGC Act 1956. NAAC Accredited with B+ Grade

Enter here to learn, learn the nuances of life and go forth to serve, serve mankind!!


From the Principal's Desk......

Change is the present day society is the biggest necessity. Change has always brought revolution from the beginning of evolution of life on earth. Knowledge of the natural world has empowered us to meet human needs and protect the planet.

Development of any society depends upon the nature of its education system and the education system depends on its planners, administrators educationists and teachers,

Our country India is a country of eager mindsets, eager and enthusiastic to acquire the requisite skills befitting the changing environment.

The new generation will have to learn to acquire, assimilate and to apply the knowledge for a sustainable future and this is where comes the role of a teacher. We as teachers also realise that the initiative for learning lies with the students. Teachers can only make conditions suitable so that our students can learn.

The destiny of India is now being shaped in the classrooms with four strong H's. The Head, the Heart, the Hand and the Highways of information. For a sound personality we need strong hands, a vibrant heart and a hungry head for collecting knowledge from the huge highways of information.

As we move towards a learning society, human activity will require contribution from the teacher and the taught. Qualitative measures need to be taken to upgrade education and research programs. In order to create a learning society we have to think globally and act locally.

Wishing you all a wonderful and exciting year head. Pray, the pandemic be totally under control soon and the classes go offline so that you can fully enjoy college life by being in the campus and the campus once again buzzes with the presence of girls and physical activity.

Dr.Sandhya Madan Mohan


(Bhilai Mahila Mahavidyalaya)